DUI License Suspension

DUI License Suspension in Colorado

If you are arrested for DUI in Colorado Springs, your Colorado driver’s license is automatically subject to DUI license suspension.

When you apply for a driver’s license in the state of Colorado the law requires that you give what is called expressed consent to a breath test or blood test if you are pulled over for DUI.

If the test reveals that your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .08% or higher, it is likely that your driver’s license will be suspended. If you refuse this test your driver’s license will automatically be suspended, whether you were under the influence of alcohol or not.

Can I Challenge a DUI License Suspension?

If you have been stopped for DUI and your driver’s license is suspended or is at risk of being suspended, you need a Colorado Springs DUI attorney who can provide you with expert assistance at a DMV hearing. With the right help, you may be able to avoid getting your driver’s license suspended.

While it may be difficult for you to fight a driver’s license suspension, there are ways that our driver’s license lawyers can help avoid suspension.

When a breath or blood test is administered, there are many legal protocols and procedures that must be followed. A skilled driver’s license lawyer will be able to look at all the evidence that was taken to see if anything was amiss.  If problems are found you may be able to retain your Colorado driver’s license.

Our expert driver’s license lawyers may also be able to secure you a hardship driver’s license which will allow you to get to medical appointments and/or work.

How Long do You Lose Your Driver License for a DUI in Colorado?

The length of time you can expect your driver’s license to be suspended will depend on certain factors including the number of times you have been charged in Colorado with alcohol-related traffic offenses and whether or not there are injuries resulting from your DUI.

In general, you can expect the following driver’s license suspension durations:

  • First DUI offense: license revoked for 9 months
  • Second DUI offense: license revoked for one year
  • Third or more DUI offense: license revoked for two years

If your Colorado driver’s license is suspended because you refused to submit to alcohol blood and/or breath testing or if you are a minor, your driving suspension may be anywhere from 3 months to 3 years, depending on your BAC and whether or not it is your first time DUI in Colorado.

Don’t Wait to Speak to a Criminal Defense Attorney

In order for a Colorado Springs criminal law firm to effectively fight a DUI suspension, you need to speak with a lawyer immediately after the DUI. This way a hearing can be requested and your lawyer will have enough time to look into the evidence surrounding your case.

Schedule a free consultation with a defense lawyer in Colorado Springs.


Don’t Let a DUI License Suspension Ruin Your Life 

Unless you are willing to accept the maximum DUI penalties, it is in your best interests to hire a qualified DUI attorney in Colorado Springs to assist you with your DUI defense options.

I know from being on both sides of DUI cases that no matter how grim a situation may look, no matter how much it may seem that prosecutors have you dead to rights, there are almost always ways to fight the charges.

A local DUI attorney in Colorado Springs knows how to challenge your DUI charges, including the pursuit of case dismissal, plea bargain negotiations, and trying the case in court.

The smartest thing you can do right now is speak to a criminal defense lawyer in Colorado Springs. The call and initial consultation are free so you have nothing to lose.  Schedule the call now.

Allan Todd