Proven Results

Free Consultation

DUI Attorneys That Get Results

Second DUI

Charges reduced. No jail. DUI dismissed.

DUI With High BAC

No jail. Plan to dismiss and seal deferred judgment after classes.

DUI With Additional Charges

Deferred sentence to DUI with no jail time. Additional charges dismissed.

DUI Young Driver

Charges reduced to careless driving, a small fine, and 12 alcohol classes.

DUI Requiring Jail Time

Jail sentence postponed for 2 years to finish college. Career saved.

Young Student DUI

Reduced to a deferred sentence. Dismissed later and sealed. 

Domestic Violence Defense Results

False Imprisonment

False imprisonment with domestic violence charges dismissed and sealed.

DV With Additional Charges

Assault, domestic violence, and robbery.  No conviction. All charges were dismissed.

Assault With DV

Facing jail time. No conviction. No jail. Charges dismissed.

Felony Defense Results

Felony DUI

The felony charges were all dismissed, leaving only minor traffic charges.

Attempted Murder

Charges reduced to menacing and a 1-year deferred sentence. Eligible for complete dismissal and sealing.

Felony assault

Case dismissed on the day of trial. Sealed from the record.

Misdemeanor Defense Results

Child Abuse

Facing the loss of parenting time. Proved zero impropriety and all charges dismissed.

Assault With Additional Charges

Reduced to a deferred sentence eligible for complete dismissal and sealing from the record.

Criminal Mischief With Additional Charges

Extensive prior record. Facing jail. Deferred sentence eligible for dismissal and sealing from record.

Traffic Ticket Defense Results

Multiple Driving Violations

Speeding, driving under restraint, and careless driving that caused an injury. Deferred sentence to careless driving with a $150 fine.

Speeding w/Add'l Charges

Charge 25-39 over speeding, child abuse, reckless endangerment. Reduced to 10-19 over speeding with a $135 fine.

Careless Driving

Our client hit a parked flatbed trailer. We proved the trailer was parked in a manner that posed a danger to others. Case dismissed.

Assault Defense Results

Simple Assault

Discovered irregularities leading to case dismissal.

3rd Degree Assault

Worked with private investigators to mitigate evidence. District Attorney dismissed the case.

Assault w/add'l Charges

Our strategy was to go to trial.  Colorado Springs jury found our client not guilty of all charges.


Don’t Let a Criminal Conviction Ruin Your Life

Unless you are willing to accept the maximum penalties for a criminal conviction, it is in your best interests to hire a qualified criminal attorney in Colorado Springs to guide you through the system.

I know from being on both sides of criminal cases that no matter how grim a situation may look, no matter how much it may seem that prosecutors have you dead to rights, there are almost always ways to fight the charges.

A local criminal lawyer knows how to challenge your criminal charges, including the pursuit of case dismissal, plea bargain negotiations, and trying the case in court.

The smartest thing you can do right now is to speak to a criminal lawyer in Colorado Springs. The call and initial consultation are free so you have nothing to lose.  Schedule the call now.