Charged with a Misdemeanor?

Free Consultation

Misdemeanor Lawyer in Colorado Springs

Experienced Misdemeanor Lawyer in Colorado Springs

Misdemeanors are sometimes generalized as “minor” crimes, at least when compared to felonies. But make no mistake, a Colorado misdemeanor conviction can have major long-term consequences.

A misdemeanor conviction can put you behind bars for months and cost you thousands of dollars in fines, restitution, and legal fees. And that is just the beginning. A misdemeanor on your record can hobble your career and educational opportunities and leave a stain on your reputation that will be hard to leave behind.

When it comes to your future, the reality is that there is no such thing as a “minor” criminal conviction.

If you’re facing misdemeanor charges, then you are worried about your freedom and future. We understand how you feel. This is probably your first experience with the Colorado Springs criminal justice system. You have lots of questions and want answers from a misdemeanor lawyer in Colorado Springs you can trust.

What are the consequences if I’m convicted? Can I go to jail?

What will it cost to fight the charges? Fines? Legal fees? 

Can I get the charges reduced or dropped?

Your fight for freedom starts now!


Get your questions answered.


Three seasoned criminal attorneys with winning track records.


Former Colorado Springs prosecutors that know the system.


Free initial consultation.


We promptly return all phone calls.


Thousands of cases resolved.

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{Professional, responsive and very good quality service. The outcome of the case could not have been better.
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{James has been great since the first phone call. He explained throughout the process everything clearly, was there if I had any questions, and he helped me get through legal issues. I highly recommend if you are in search of an excellent and reputable lawyer!
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{James was very communicative and realistic with expectations while handling my case. He was helpful with billing and helping me understand my options throughout the entire legal process. Everything went so well from start to finish. Could not have asked for a better result.
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{I had James and he help me in a time of need and fought his best when a public defender would not and my case was over with a few months after he joined.
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{I have used James more than once and he is the best! He has always explained everything to me so that there are no surprises and is quick to respond to me if I have a question or need something. I tell anyone who asks me about James and his amazing service to me.


Build a Smart Team

You don’t have to – and shouldn’t – face the Colorado criminal prosecution process alone. The stakes are just too high. A misdemeanor conviction can result in jail time and substantial costs. You need a misdemeanor attorney in Colorado Springs to be your trusted advocate in court and fight for your rights.

Fighting Misdemeanor Charges

You have the right to challenge the prosecution’s case against you. A misdemeanor lawyer in Colorado Springs can carefully review your charges, arrest and evidence to find inconsistencies and flaws in the prosecutor’s case. From there, we can negotiate with the prosecutor to get the misdemeanor charges against you reduced or dismissed.

Even if it looks like the evidence is stacked against you, there is a good chance that you will be able to negotiate a plea bargain that may result in having your charges reduced.

Get a Former Prosecutor On Your Team

You have a strong advantage when you hire a criminal defense lawyer with local prosecutor experience. Every attorney at our criminal law firm is a former Colorado Springs prosecutor. This means you have a huge advantage because your attorney knows how to negotiate with the local prosecutors to arrange plea agreements that result in lesser charges and fewer consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of law firm do I need to fight misdemeanor charges?

You need to hire a criminal law firm in Colorado Springs to represent you if you are facing criminal charges that are classified as misdemeanors.

How much does a misdemeanor lawyer cost?

Every misdemeanor case is different. Many can be resolved quickly while others may go all the way through a jury trial and beyond. While we must talk to you before we can provide a reliable cost estimate in your particular case, a core value of ours is to provide exceptional criminal defense representation at a reasonable price.

Can I go to jail for a misdemeanor?

Yes, you can go to jail for a misdemeanor.  If you are incarcerated, you will do your time in county jail and not state prison, which is where convicted felons serve their sentences.

But from the inside of a cell for days, weeks, or months, it all looks and feels the same. Even if you don’t receive jail time, you may receive probation, have to complete hours of community service, lose your driving privileges, or pay restitution to any victims of your offense.

How long does a misdemeanor stay on my record?

There is no preset expiration date for misdemeanor crimes. A misdemeanor stays on your record for life unless you successfully petition the Colorado Springs courts to make misdemeanors go away. Depending on the nature of the offense, you can request to have the record of your conviction sealed. Once sealed, the conviction no longer appears on publicly available records, such as those used by employers and landlords when doing background checks.

A misdemeanor defense attorney in Colorado Springs can answer your questions and help you petition the courts to seal the record of a misdemeanor conviction. This blog post explains how to make a misdemeanor conviction go away.

What happens when you get arrested for a misdemeanor?

One of two things will happen when a police officer arrests you for a misdemeanor in Colorado Springs. You will either be given a summons and complaint ordering you to appear in court several weeks later or the officer will take you to the El Paso County Jail where you will have to stay until the next court date unless you can post a bond.

This post on our blog explains the misdemeanor defense process in Colorado Springs.

What is a misdemeanor in simple terms?

In Colorado, misdemeanors are divided into three classes, with Class One misdemeanors being the most serious.

Class One – A conviction is punishable by six to 18 months in county jail, a fine of $500 to $5,000, or both.

Class Two – A conviction can result in a possible jail term of three to 12 months, a fine of $250 to $1,000, or both.

Class Three –  A conviction can lead to penalties of up to six months in jail, a fine of $50 to $750, or both.

If you are incarcerated, you will do your time in county jail.

Should I plead guilty to get this over with?

When faced with a misdemeanor charge, many people will decide that it’s just not worth fighting, or that they don’t need an attorney. They may think that pleading guilty or entering into a plea bargain with prosecutors will be the quickest and easiest way to put this ordeal behind them and move forward without any further consequences. But that is simply not the case. The “easy way out” can actually make things very difficult for you in the long run.

Pleading guilty to a misdemeanor will likely leave you saddled with a criminal record. A misdemeanor conviction can stay on your record for the rest of your life, preventing you from getting a job, getting into college, or buying a home. You could lose some of your rights, and it could have severe repercussions for your immigration status as well.

You really should speak to a misdemeanor lawyer in Colorado Springs to get the facts before you decide on your defense strategy.

Can I plea bargain a misdemeanor in Colorado?

Sometimes a plea bargain can be a useful strategy in a misdemeanor case, but we really need the facts first. A plea bargain has advantages and disadvantages to you. Your attorney can evaluate your case, advise you of your options and the possible consequences of different courses of action, and speak with prosecutors on your behalf.

A good misdemeanor attorney in Colorado Springs, especially one who has been a prosecutor, will understand how best to approach your case, whether it be through a vigorous defense or through savvy negotiation with prosecutors.

Misdemeanor Defense Results

Child Abuse

Facing the loss of parenting time. Proved zero impropriety and all charges dismissed.

Assault With Additional Charges

Reduced to a deferred sentence eligible for complete dismissal and sealing from the record.

Criminal Mischief With Additional Charges

Extensive prior record. Facing jail. Deferred sentence eligible for dismissal and sealing from record.

Misdemeanor Resources


Don’t Let a Misdemeanor Conviction Ruin Your Life

Unless you are willing to accept the maximum penalties for a misdemeanor conviction, it is in your best interests to hire a qualified misdemeanor defense attorney in Colorado Springs to guide you through the system.

I know from being on both sides of misdemeanor cases that no matter how grim a situation may look, no matter how much it may seem that prosecutors have you dead to rights, there are almost always ways to fight the charges.

A local misdemeanor lawyer knows how to challenge your criminal charges, including the pursuit of case dismissal, plea bargain negotiations, and trying the case in court.

The smartest thing you can do right now is to speak to a defense lawyer in Colorado Springs. The call and initial consultation are free so you have nothing to lose. Schedule the call now.

Allan Todd