Arrested During The Holidays? We Can Reduce Your Stress and Protect Your Freedom.

by | Nov 22, 2021 | Criminal Defense

It Is Definitely Not The Most Wonderful Time Of Year To Find Yourself In Jail

There is no good time of year to find yourself under arrest in Colorado Springs, but getting arrested during the holidays is amongst the worst. During a season that is supposed to be full of family and joy, spending time in jail and facing criminal charges can keep you away from the former and take away the latter.

Yet, thousands of people across Colorado find themselves in that very situation every holiday season, opening their browsers to look for a criminal defense attorney instead of opening presents. If this happens to you and you are arrested during the holidays, dealing with the local courts can be a scary and depressing ordeal, especially if you don’t know what to do, who to call, or what will happen next. You desperately want to get out of jail and out of police custody as soon as possible, while your disappointed relatives spend their time and energy trying to help you instead of celebrating the season.

But even if your season of hope turns into a season of despair because of an arrest, you have the power to help yourself. You can take immediate steps – and avoid costly missteps – that can reduce your stress and restore your freedom. That starts with calling an experienced criminal defense lawyer at your earliest opportunity.

More People Arrested During The Holidays Means More People Who Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Just as the warm days of summer see a spike in certain types of criminal offenses, the parties and gatherings of the holiday season, with alcohol flowing freely, lead to a significant uptick in DUI arrests in El Paso and Teller Counties.

Statistics show that the number of drunk driving accidents, injuries, and deaths spike during the holiday season. Colorado Springs law enforcement knows this; that’s why they are especially aggressive in going after drunk drivers between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. In conjunction with state and local law enforcement, the Colorado Department of Transportation conducts their annual “The Heat is On” campaign during the holiday season, which includes increased DUI patrols and other efforts to crack down on drunk drivers.

Related: Arrested For DUI? Former Colorado Springs DA Explains How To Fight The Charges

But of course, drunk driving is not the only criminal offense that sees a rise in arrests during the holidays. Domestic disputes, which can quickly escalate into assault and domestic violence charges, and burglary and theft arrests also increase between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.

But regardless of what Colorado Springs police arrest you for and what  El Paso County prosecutors charge you with, the first step you need to take is to find and contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer.

Why Calling a Criminal Defense Lawyer ASAP Is The First And Most Important Thing You Should Do

Chances are that you don’t deal with police and prosecutors every day. A criminal defense attorney does.

You may not understand what police can and cannot do or know what your rights are when you are in police custody. A criminal defense attorney will know what your rights are and how to best assert them.

You don’t have experience posting bail. A criminal defense attorney will know exactly what to do to get you out from behind bars and back to your family as soon as possible.

And in your desperation to get out of jail and desire to tell your side of the story, you may say things that come back to haunt you. A criminal defense attorney will keep you from making a bad situation worse.

These are just some of the many reasons why the first thing you should do is speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer if you are arrested over the holidays. Police will allow you to make the calls needed to connect with an attorney, and your loved ones or friends can certainly work on getting you counsel if you need their help. Arrests can and do happen any time of day or night. That is why criminal defense attorneys make themselves available for calls 24/7 or respond quickly after you call them. They know the anxiety and stress that you are feeling and therefore know how critical it is that they assist you immediately.

Experienced and Aggressive Criminal Defense in Colorado Springs

Getting arrested during the holidays is not how you want to spend the most wonderful time of the year. But if it happens, our criminal defense attorneys are powerful allies and aggressive advocates who can protect your rights, secure your freedom, and vigorously defend you against any criminal charge you face.

James Newby

James Newby is a criminal defense attorney in Colorado Springs and the managing attorney of the criminal justice law firm James Newby Law. James got into law because of a deep-rooted passion for helping good people that may have made a poor choice that could have lasting consequences.